Franz Alt
Journalist and author. Studied history, political science, theology and philosophy in Freiburg and Heidelberg, 1967 PhD; from 1968 editor and reporter for the Südwestfunk (Baden -Baden ); 1972 - 1992 Head and moderator of the political TV magazine "Report"; from 1992 Head of the editorial department for the Future "ZEITSPRUNG" in the Südwestrundfunk. From 1997 Head of the magazine "QUER-DENKER" in 3SAT; until 2003 Head and presenter of the 3sat magazine "GRENZENLOS". Since 2003, Franz Alt writes guest comments and background reports for over 40 newspapers and magazines, and holds lectures worldwide. Current Book Title: Auf der Sonnenseite (On the sunny side, Piper Verlag / Munich - March 2013 ) www.sonnenseite.com
Keynote speech: On the sunny side: How the Energiewende turns us into winners.

Rudi Anschober
Rudi Anschober (born 1960) is an Upper Austrian politician for the Green Party and since 2003 State Councillor of Upper Austria for the Environment, Water and Consumer Protection. An elementary teacher by profession, he also worked as a journalist in various media, and eventually his distinct engagement against the construction of the Temelín NPP got him into politics, with a will for change and to point out other options than nuclear power. He has been on the political stage since 1986; he began as Speaker of the Green Alternative for Upper Austria.
Speech: The end of nuclear subsidies will launch the European Nuclear Phase-Out

Antony Froggatt
Antony Froggatt studied energy and environmental policy at the University of Westminster and the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University. He is currently an independent consultant on international energy issues, a Senior Research Fellow at Chatham House and an Honorary Research Fellow at Exeter University. At Chatham House he has specialised on global energy security and European electricity policy. He has worked as a consultant for 15 years with environmental groups, academics and public bodies in Europe and Asia. Since 1992 he has been the co-author of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report, a now annual independent review of the nuclear sector
Speech: Nuclear New Build: What will it cost and is it necessary?

Claudia Kunz
Claudia Kunz works at Germany’s Renewable Energies Agency in Berlin since 2005. As Energy Advisor she is busy with renewable energies and their role in the energy system. Since 2011 she leads the „Forschungsradar“, a web service to spread new scientific results about the energy transition. The transformation of the electricity system to renewable energy sources is a main topic. Before Claudia Kunz worked as energy and climate advisor at World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF Germany). Between 1996 and 2002 she studied environmental sciences at the University of Lüneburg. About Germany’s Renewable Energies Agency: The Renewable Energies Agency ("Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien e. V., AEE") is supported by companies and associations from the renewable energy sector. It works throughout Germany on a cross-party and cross-society basis with task to communicate the advantages of a sustainable energy supply on the basis of renewable energy. Some projects are supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture
Speech: Nuclear Phase-Out 2021/22 - What next? How to get there?

Patricia Lorenz
In 1993 Patricia Lorenz started to work with the Austrian Environmental Organization GLOBAL 2000. She focused on the nuclear power plants surrounding Austria. In 2000 she started the Abolish EURATOM campaign with Friends of the Earth Brussels. Patricia Lorenz has gained expertise on many nuclear issues: nuclear liability, nuclear safety and she participated in numerous EIA/ESPOO processes.
Brief presentation of the study:„Phase-Out of Nuclear Power in Europe“ conducted by the Energy Economics Group (EEG) of the TU Vienna and the Stiftung Umweltenergierecht (SUER)

Yves Marignac
Yves Marignac is Direktor of WISE-Paris. WISE-Paris is the World Information Service on Energy, established in 1983 because of the perceived lack of independent and reliable information in France concerning energy systems and policy, in particular in the nuclear field. Yves Marignac was the head of Prospective Analysis of négaWatt, the group of independent experts which produced a reference energy transition scenario for France. He was also involved in the Ecology Minister’s cabinet for the organisation of the National Energy Transition Debate which was held in 2013. In 2012 his antinuclear work was honoured by receiving the Nuclear Free Future Award. Yves Marignac is author of many books.
Speech: How does the Nuclear Nation Nr.1 find its way out of the dead end? Until when can this be achieved?

Edvard Sequens
Edvard Sequens, Energy advisor at South Bohemian NGO Calla - Association for Preservation of the Environment. Graduate of Institute of Technology in Liptovsky Mikulas, specializing in automated control systems. Since 1997 he has worked at CALLA as a consultant and head of projects in the energy sector. He is chairman of the association. He worked in the independent committee of experts for the evaluation of the energy needs of the Czech Republic in the long-term time horizon and also as an external advisor to the Czech Minister of the Environment. He specialized in the possible use of renewable energy sources and nuclear power. Edvard Sequens also participated in the development of an alternative Czech energy concept. More information www.zdrojeenergie.cz und www.temelin.cz.
Speech: What shortcomings exist in the Czech Energy Policy?

Sabine von Stockar
Sabine von Stockar is project manager for nuclear energy and electricity at the Swiss Energy Foundation (SES). The SES was founded in 1976 as a foundation and is involved since then for a smart, environmentally and people-friendly energy policiy. This is based on the 2000-watt society. The SES is committed to the efficient use of energy and the promotion and use of renewable energy sources. The SES shows ways how Switzerland may separate from the fateful dependence of fossil fuels and nuclear energy supply. Sabine von Stockar studied Environmental Science at the ETH Zurich.
Speech: What measures - political, legal and financial - does Switzerland take to guarantee the Swiss Nuclear Phase-Out in 2034?

Dariusz Szwed
Dariusz Szwed is a green politician and social activist from Poland, an economic scientist and one of the founders of the Polish green party Zieloni and co-chair of it from 2004 to 2011. Szwed currently holds the position of Head of the Programme Council of the Green Institute and adviser to Robert Biedroń, the Mayor of Słupsk, Pomerania. Szwed graduated from the Cracow University of Economics and Warsaw University and he worked with the political group of the Greens in the European Parliament. Dariusz Szwed is author, co-author and editor of various books and publications on sustainable development.